Monday, April 1, 2013


Throughout my life, I have been an extremely lucky because I have been blessed by the inspiration, motivation, empowerment, encouragement, support, and love of several amazing women.  These positive experiences with my mother, grandmother, friends, colleagues, and female mentors have created an incredible appreciation for women.  It has shown me the amazing impact that a great woman can have on an individual's life.  In essence, I have discovered throughout the years that an amazing woman has the power to not only positively enhance the life of a child, husband, friend, organization, significant other, or family, but also greatly impact a community, nation, and world.  As we celebrate the amazing women in all our lives this month, I want to take the time to highlight five specific leadership skills that we can learn from five great women that have positively impacted our communities, nation, and world.

Clara Barton teaches us about the POWER OF SERVICE!
When I think about great leaders, I think about men and women who have great hearts of service.  They help others, impact the lives of those around them, and make our world a better place.  Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross taught us about not only the power of service, but  the importance of helping and serving those in need.  As we celebrate the amazing women of our past and present, let's continue their leadership legacy of service to others.

Oprah Winfrey teaches us about the POWER OF RESILIENCE!
When I think about great leaders, I think about men and women who have impacted several people's lives and have achieved huge levels of success because they possessed great resilience.  In essence, when challenges, negative circumstances, and obstacles manifested, these leaders did not allow the challenge to stop them.  Instead, these powerful leaders adapted, persevered, overcame, and refused to allow anyone or anything stand between them and destiny.  Oprah Winfrey, one of the most powerful women in the 21st Century overcame a variety of challenging situations and circumstances in her life and is an amazing example of resiliency.  As we celebrate the amazing woman of our past and present, let's continue their leadership legacy of resiliency.

Mother Teresa teaches us about the POWER OF LOVE!
When I think about great leaders, I think about men and women who have made a tremendous impact in the world because they have allowed their love for people or a cause empower them to do some great things in the world.  Mother Teresa is an amazing woman who traveled the world helping the poor, serving the broken hearted, empowering people who were in distress, sacrificing her personal desires for others, and providing wisdom to many different world leaders.  She teaches us about the power of leading with love and is a great example of how we should conduct ourselves if we are going to lead with love in the 21st Century.  As we celebrate the amazing woman of our past and present, let's continue their leadership legacy of leading with love.

Harriet Tubman teaches us about the POWER OF PURPOSE!
When I think about great leaders, I think about men and women who have impacted many people's lives, inspired millions of people with their story, and have done some incredible work in the world because they led with a purpose.  In essence, these amazing leaders had a positive passionate set of reasons "why" they were serving the people or cause they chose to serve as a leader.  Harriet Tubman, a remarkable woman who saved so many lives during slavery not only exemplifies the qualities of a great leader, but teaches us the power that comes to a leader who leads with purpose.  As we celebrate the amazing woman of our past and present, let's continue their leadership legacy of leading with purpose.

Susan B. Anthony teaches us about the POWER OF COURAGE!
When I think about great leaders, I think about men and women who have great courage to act for the betterment of others regardless of the fear, challenges, obstacles, uncertainties, and negative situations.  Susan B. Anthony stood up for the rights and betterment of women.  She has taught us about the impact that can be made when we have the courage to stand for what is right as leaders.  In addition, she has taught us that great leaders must have courage to stand and fight for the betterment of the people they serve as leaders. As we celebrate the amazing woman of our past and present, let's continue their leadership legacy of courage.
There is definitely a lot of amazing woman who can be highlighted in this month's newsletter, but I decided to focus on these five amazing women because they are great examples of the powerful contributions that many women leaders have made to our community, nation, and world!